Daniel E. Barth, PhD
Assistant Professor of STEM Education
Astronomy for Educators Program
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, USA
Dr. Barth began his career as a research scientist in microbiology and molecular genetics; he did research work at Illinois State University, the United States Department of Agriculture, and was a research worker at Caltech in Pasadena, California.
Dr. Barth transitioned from research to education and taught Astronomy and Physics at the secondary and university level for 36 years. There were no significant resources for astronomy teachers at that time, so Dr. Barth developed his own curriculum, and wrote his own texts and developed his own course of laboratory observations for his astronomy programs. Teaching in high poverty areas in California, Dr. Barth specialized in Low-Cost Science and Experience-First methods that helped his students gain a first-class STEM education regardless of their financial status or their native language.
Dr. Barth’s work in Low-Cost Science has been recognized by UNESCO, and he won the Amgen Award for Science Teaching Excellence as well as the Global Campus Award (Best Open Resource STEM textbook), and many other awards. Dr. Barth is currently an Assistant Professor of STEM Education and
director of the Astronomy For Educators program at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA.
Download a *free copy* of the book: Astronomy for Educators, go to: https://scholarworks.uark.edu/oer/2