Lecture 1: Astrophysics of Neutron Stars

Neutron Stars : observational classes and evolutionary pathways (Set of 4 Lectures on 5, 12, 19, 26 September 2020)

Neutron stars are the final states of the evolution of stars which have main-sequence masses more than ten times that of the Sun. These are the most compact objects in the Universe that give rise to many unusual physical phenomena in and around them. There exist many observational classes of neutron stars which are understood to be connected through various evolutionary processes. Our aim, at the end of this series of lectures, would be to look for possible connections between the high magnetic radio pulsars and the magnetars (the extreme magnetic field neutron stars).

A. Suggested Reading :

1. Pulsar Astronomy

A. Lyne

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Sep 05 2020


10:00 am - 11:30 am


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