Hands-on Astronomy Workshop for School Teachers
30-31 October 2020
This workshop is an hands-on workshop. With 68 kits sent to school teachers all over the country, it will be in an interactive mode where teachers will learn hands-on activities that can be used in teaching.
sponsors partners

In spite of our advanced space program, India still suffers from the evils of blind faith and superstition. Rational minds have been attacked and silenced in this country. It is very timely for the scientific community to rise up to the moment and act against this growing trend. To encourage rational thinking in people, it is important to inculcate scientific temper in students and people at an early stage. Using astronomy as a tool is most effective since astronomy incorporates various disciplines in science like mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. The workshop will be valuable for teachers who are keen to find new and innovative ways of making science more engaging in schools. We aim to enhance the science teaching in Government Schools with under-privileged children in Hyderabad and India.
Material: kits.
Participants are given Certificates on Successful Completion
Material with the kits.
Registered Participants: 196
Kits Distributed: 68
Zoom Links
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5760546150?pwd=NDY5Z2JLcTJRZWNFenN0eHc3aUIydz09 Meeting ID: 576 054 6150 Passcode: HAS2020
Distribution in India
Registered Participants: 196, Kits Distributed: 68
Distribution all over the world
Kit Description
From http://www.navnirmitieduquality.org/ ( Rs 1000 per kit)
supplementary Material
Telescope making
Finding latitude of a place. Fun with pin-holes and apertures
Kit Distribution
With kriti social initiatives
izm school, moula ali

Team: Shristi astronomy